Ramanathapuram, a city located in Tamil Nadu, India, has seen a spike in demand for solar panel installation. A lot of people are willing to switch to solar power and decrease their carbon footprint while saving on energy bills. However, one common question is the price of installation. In this article, we will discuss the cost of installing solar panels in Ramanathapuram and give some tips on how you can afford solar without becoming bankrupt.
The Price of Solar Panels
In Ramanathapuram, the cost of a solar panel depends on factors like system size, panel quality or brand name. Home systems usually range from Rs 100000-500000. It’s important that you research widely and get quotes from various installers for you to have an upper hand in bargaining.
Installation Costs
Apart from the costs incurred while purchasing the panels themselves, there must be an allowance made separately for installation expenses. These may include labor charges as well as permits and other materials that support its fixing process such as screws and brackets among others. The average residential installation cost for a house unit in Ramanathapuram usually fluctuates between Rs 20000-50000.
Investment Returns
Although initial setup costs of solar installations seem high, it is necessary to consider savings and return-on-investment over time which are far greater than these costs . Most householders within Ramanathapuram are able to recoup their investment within fourteen years with lower electricity bills plus potential government incentives . For then on , free electricity will be yours to enjoy .
Financing Possibilities
For those who cannot meet the upfront expense of buying a solar panel in Ramanathapuram; there are a number financing options available . Examples include: leasing agreements , power purchase agreements or even loans involving finances associated with sunlight . Other companies allowing clients flexible payment schemes also exist thereby ensuring affordability when someone decides to install solar power systems in their houses .
Warranty Costs and Maintenance
Moreover, it is important to set aside money for solar panel maintenance and warranty costs in Ramanathapuram. Although sun panels require little maintenance, they should be checked annually by an expert for optimum performance. Moreover, most are backed by a 20-25 year warranty so that you will not worry about the investment gone worry.